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  • CMD | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    CMD - Command Promt Before Windows was created, the most usual operating system that ran on computers was DOS (Disk Operating System). ​ I can remember learning how to use DOS and still use it on a regular basis. ​ Over time, newer versions of Windows were developed, and DOS was finally phased out with Windows ME. However, even with Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11, the CMD (Command Line) in DOS (disk operating system) system still runs in the background, and a command line or command prompt window can still be opened. It has a similar appearance to DOS and can be a useful tool when diagnosing problems. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The command prompt/line is also used in Linux operating systems and many seasoned computer users use the command line as much as the graphical user interface. ​ Whether you are using MS Windows, macOS or Linux, there is a Shell, (Shell is a computer program that presents a command-line interface that allows you to control your computer using commands entered with a keyboard instead of controlling graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with a mouse/keyboard combination), Console window or the likes lurking in the background. Windows and Linux use different commands to access and use these Shells, so if you use both you will need to learn two types of command language. Using the Command Prompt or Dos Window ​ When people refer to the command prompt, they may refer to it in different ways. Some call it: ​ A Shell Console Window Command Prompt Cmd Prompt Terminal Command Line DOS ​ To find and open an MS-DOS prompt or Windows command line for the various Windows versions press the Window key and type CMD , this will highlight the Command Prompt , then click it to open the shell.

  • Lunix OS | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Linux Linux is an open-source operating system (OS), it sits underneath the other software on a computer, receiving requests from programs and relaying those requests to the computer’s hardware. A Linux distribution (often abbreviated as distro) is an operating system (OS) made from a collection of software based on the Linux kernel and often a package management system. A few acts and feels like MS Windows or macOS, and are relatively easy to use, while others are more complex to use. I mostly use Linux Mint, Puppy, and Mageia, but only as a personal preference. If I had to choose one it is Linux Mint as I find it is a good all-round operating system. ​ I have two dual boot systems (where I can choose to boot into either Linux or Windows – or Linux or macOS) and one triple boot computer (where I can choose to boot into either one of two Linux distro or Windows). So, why so many computers and operating systems? I use the computers and operating systems for different things but do most of my programming on Linux. Other tasks can be done on any of the operating systems. The advantage of Linux is, when I log onto Linux Mint, I can also view and move across the data from MS Windows, modify it and then move it back without the need to boot into Windows. This is extremely useful if the Windows operating system crashes and I need an aspect of data fast, as I can use Linux to get what I need. Especially useful for data rescue . ​ Also, Linux is not as hungry on a computer's resources, so Linux operating system and its programs can be installed and run on older lower spec computers and hardware. ​ Linux comes in many distro types or versions, a few are: ​ Mint Puppy Linux Mandriva Mageia Kubuntu Arch Linux Ubuntu Fedora Ubuntu Red Hat OpenSUSE Mandrake CentOS MX Linux Gentoo Slackware Debian Free BSD Additional Links: ​ Install WINE How does Linux differ from other operating systems (OS)? But many Windows programs will run quite happily on a Linux operating system, but you will need Wine (not the fluid type). ​ Wine is a free Linux tool to run Windows compatible software on a Linux operating system, without the need of MS Windows. ​ Wine is an open-source Windows compatibility layer that can run Windows programs directly on a Linux desktop. Basically, this open-source project is endeavoring to re-implement enough of Windows from scratch that it can run all those Windows applications without needing Windows. Linux is like MS Windows and macOS (formerly OS X or iOS). Like other operating systems, Linux has a graphical interface, and the same kinds of software you are accustomed to. There is a vast repository of free software available, an exceedingly small list is: ​ Word processors and PDF Editors – LibreOffice , PDF Studio , or OpenOffice Code and Text Editors – VS Code, Lyx , Simplenote , Laverna or Texmaker Photo, Image, Video and Audio editors – GIMP, Inkscape , Audacity , LMMS , Kdenlive , and OpenShot Screen Recording – Kazam , OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) , Flameshot or Ksnip Communication, Messaging, and Productivity Tools – Slack or Franz Virtualization options – Oracle , VM VirtualBox Authenticators - Authy Media Converters – Handbrake and SoundConverter Hardware and Software management systems – Stacer and Htop Backup Tools – Timeshift or Bacula Media Players – Audacious or VLC Media Server Software – Kodi and Plex Gamers – Steam and Discord Internet browsers - Firefox , Midori, Opera , Gnome , Google Chrome, Brave , Vivaldi , Falkon , Konqueror , Pale Moon , Waterfox , Slimjet, and Dissenter Email clients – Hiri and Thunderbird In many cases, software creators make a Linux version of the same program compatible with other operating systems. So, if you can use a computer or other electronic device, you can use Linux. ​ Nevertheless, Linux also is different from other operating systems in many significant ways. Linux is open-source software. The code used to create Linux is free and available to the public to view, edit, and for users with the appropriate skills to contribute to it. ​ Linux is also unusual in that, although the core pieces of the Linux operating system are generally common, there are many distributions (types or versions) of Linux, that include distinctive software options. Meaning, that Linux is incredibly customisable, not because applications like word processors and web browsers, can be changed, but Linux users can also choose core components, like which system display graphic or user-interface components used.

  • About | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Fotograf, projektowanie stron internetowych i konstruktor modeli. Wcześniejsze Emerytowany z sektora zdrowotnego - pedagog położniczy i członek wydziału resuscytacji noworodków, dzieci i dorosłych, również wykładowca informatyki i projektowania stron internetowych. Po przejściu na emeryturę z sektora zdrowia pracowałem jako starszy inżynier ds. Naprawy / modernizacji komputerów w dużej firmie informatycznej. 7 stopni: Doktorat z informatyki, programowania i naprawy sprzętu BA Pielęgniarstwo i położnictwo BA (HONS) Edukacja i szkolenie FRPS BA Ogrodnictwo Inżynieria elektryczna Wykłady z informatyki, tworzenia zestawów modeli i modyfikacji. Techniki aerografu i pielęgnacja sprzętu. About Me Połączenie 123-456-7890 E-mail Podążać

  • Resistors | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Resistors Rezystory to pasywne dwubiegunowe elementy elektryczne, które wpływają na opór elektryczny w elemencie obwodu. W obwodach elektronicznych rezystory są używane do zmniejszania przepływu prądu, regulacji poziomów sygnałów, podziału napięć, polaryzacji elementów aktywnych i zakończenia linii transmisyjnych, ale mają też inne zastosowania. Istnieje wiele rodzajów rezystorów stosowanych w obwodach elektronicznych. Rezystory albo kontrolują przepływ prądu, albo powodują spadek napięcia. Aby to zrobić, rezystor musi mieć jakąś formę wartości „rezystancyjnej” lub „rezystancyjnej”. Dlatego rezystory są dostępne w szerokim zakresie wartości rezystancji od ułamków Ohm (Ω) do milionów Ohmów. Wcześniejsze Gdy korpus rezystora jest wystarczająco duży, aby odczytać wydruk, taki jak rezystory mocy, wartość rezystancji, tolerancja i moc znamionowa są zwykle drukowane na korpusie rezystora w postaci cyfr lub liter. Ale większość rezystorów jest małych, te specyfikacje są pokazane jako kolorowe paski, które wskazują ich wartości rezystancji i tolerancji, wraz z fizycznym rozmiarem rezystora wskazującym na jego moc znamionową. Wcześniejsze Obliczanie wartości rezystorów Najważniejszym kolorowym paskiem po lewej stronie jest taśma, która jest najbliżej przewodu łączącego, a oznaczone kolorami paski odczytuje się od lewej do prawej w następujący sposób: Cyfra, cyfra, mnożnik = kolor, kolor x 10 kolorów w omach (Ω) Na przykład rezystor ma następujące kolorowe oznaczenia. Wcześniejsze Wcześniejsze Czwarte i piąte pasmo służy do określenia procentowej tolerancji rezystora. Tolerancja rezystora jest miarą odchylenia rezystora od określonej wartości rezystancji i jest wynikiem procesu produkcyjnego i jest podawana jako procent jego „nominalnej” lub preferowanej wartości. Typowe tolerancje rezystorów dla rezystorów foliowych mieszczą się w zakresie 1-10%, podczas gdy rezystory węglowe mają tolerancję do 20%. Rezystory z tolerancjami mniejszymi niż 2% nazywane są rezystorami precyzyjnymi z rezystorami z tolerancją lub niższą, przez co są droższe. Większość rezystorów pięciopasmowych to rezystory precyzyjne z tolerancjami 1-2%, podczas gdy większość rezystorów czteropasmowych ma tolerancję 5%, 10% lub 20%. Kod koloru używany do oznaczenia tolerancji rezystora jest podany jako jeden z następujących: Wcześniejsze Jeśli rezystor nie ma czwartego pasma tolerancji, domyślna tolerancja wynosi 20%. Rezystor z oznaczeniami kodowymi

  • Orchids | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Storczyki Storczyki mają wyjątkową aurę i pochodzą ze wszystkich części świata. Storczyki mają ogromną różnorodność kolorów, kształtów, rozmiarów i zapachów, chociaż nie wszystkie mają przyjemne zapachy. Rosną w warunkach tropikalnych, umiarkowanych, a niektóre w warunkach zbliżonych do zera. Wcześniejsze Wiele osób uważa, że ​​storczyki są trudne w uprawie i kwitnieniu. W rzeczywistości większość storczyków jest łatwa w uprawie i kwitnieniu, ale na wszystkich planetach wymagane są odpowiednie warunki. Wiele z nich jest praktycznie niezniszczalnych, a dzięki kilku podstawowym wskazówkom większość ludzi może uprawiać orchidee, aby nie tylko dobrze się rozwijały, ale także kwitły. Storczyki mają wyjątkową aurę i pochodzą ze wszystkich części świata. Storczyki mają ogromną różnorodność kolorów, kształtów, rozmiarów i zapachów, chociaż nie wszystkie mają przyjemne zapachy. Rosną w warunkach tropikalnych, umiarkowanych, a niektóre w warunkach zbliżonych do zera. Wcześniejsze Wiele osób uważa, że ​​storczyki są trudne w uprawie i kwitnieniu. W rzeczywistości większość storczyków jest łatwa w uprawie i kwitnieniu, ale na wszystkich planetach wymagane są odpowiednie warunki. Wiele z nich jest praktycznie niezniszczalnych, a dzięki kilku podstawowym wskazówkom większość ludzi może uprawiać orchidee, aby nie tylko dobrze się rozwijały, ale także kwitły. Do najłatwiejszych w uprawie odmian orchidei należą: Phalaenopsis (wymawiane - Fal-en-op-sis) Dendrobium (wymawiane - Den-droh-bee-um) Cattleya (czyt. - Kat-lee-ya). Cymbidium (wymawiane - Sim-bid-ee-um) Coelogyne (wymawiane - See-loj-in-ee), Coelogyne Alba ma wspaniały zapach. Różnorodność Chociaż naszą planetę zamieszkuje ponad 35 000 gatunków orchidei, ludzie dokonali hybrydyzacji tych gatunków, tworząc ponad 200 000 hybryd. Wiele z nich jest uprawianych ze względu na atrakcyjne kwiaty, ale strąki nasion wanilii zapewniają popularny aromat. Wcześniejsze W przeciwieństwie do większości roślin orchidee mogą rosnąć w powietrzu. Ich korzenie przyczepiają się do drzew lub skał, gdzie mogą wychwytywać wilgoć i składniki odżywcze. Starożytny rodowód Dowody wskazują, że storczyki pochodzą z czasów, gdy dinozaury wędrowały po planecie, około 120 milionów lat temu, a wiele z nich ma związek z określonymi typami owadów lub ptaków, aby zapylać kwiaty. Storczyki to duża, różnorodna i wyjątkowa rodzina roślin. Storczyki lub Orchidaceae są roślinami jednoliściennymi należącymi do superrzędu Liliiflorae. Wcześniejsze Monocots są prawdopodobnie najważniejszymi roślinami na ziemi i pochodzą z naszych czterech najważniejszych pokarmów, takich jak ryż, kukurydza, pszenica i jęczmień. Wcześniejsze Inne, takie jak bambus i palmy, są głównym źródłem materiałów budowlanych w wielu krajach, a trzcina cukrowa, ananasy, daktyle i banany pochodzą z roślin jednoliściennych. Rodzina orchidei zawiera więcej gatunków niż jakakolwiek inna rodzina roślin - niektórzy botanicy szacują, że rodziny, która zawiera około 25 000 do 35 000 gatunków. Storczyki kwitną w szerokiej gamie kolorów i kształtów i żyją w różnych siedliskach, od: Wcześniejsze Żyj w bezpośrednim świetle słonecznym, w cieniu, w chłodnym i zimnym klimacie Wspinaj się po skałach, drzewach Rośnie na ziemi Wcześniejsze Inną cechą storczyków jest to, że mają kilka wyróżniających cech, takich jak: Wcześniejsze Słupki (część żeńska) Pręciki (część męska) Storczyki występują charakterystycznie w dwóch głównych formach, storczykach monopodialnych i sympodialnych. Storczyki monopodialne mają łodygi, które rosną w nieskończoność. Ten typ liści orchidei zawsze rośnie od końca łodygi, a storczyki monopodialne często wytwarzają korzenie powietrzne wzdłuż łodyg. Wcześniejsze Storczyki monopodialne nie mają pseudobulw, wytwarzają nowy wzrost z korony rośliny, a korzenie mogą być szczególnie przypadkowe. Często zdarza się, że korzenie powietrzne występują w regularnych odstępach wzdłuż łodygi, szczególnie u gatunków takich jak Vandy. Wcześniejsze Kłosy kwiatowe lub kwiatostany wyrastają z boku łodygi, a nie z końca. Popularne storczyki monopodialne obejmują: Wcześniejsze Vanda Phalaenopsis Storczyki sympodialne dzieli się na kategorie według następstwa pędów lub łodyg przypominających cebulki, zwanych pseudobulwami. Pseudobulwy wyrastają z podstawy poprzedniej, a każda pseudobulwa ma ograniczony wzrost. Korzenie zwykle tworzą się u podstawy pseudobulw lub wzdłuż kłącza. Wcześniejsze Kłos storczyka sympodialnego wyrasta z podstawy pseudobulwy lub nawet z kłącza. Wcześniejsze Storczyki tropikalne są często sympodialne, a popularne storczyki sympodialne to: Wcześniejsze Cattleyas Dendrobiums Oncidiums Spathoglottis Sympodialne storczyki mają pseudobulwy rosnące na kłączu. Mogą wydawać się krótkie, aby żarówki wyglądały na połączone ze sobą lub wystarczająco długie, aby umieścić między nimi kilka cali. Konieczne jest regularne doniczkowanie tych storczyków z powodu rozległego wzorca wzrostu bocznego.

  • Paint | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Paint Malowanie zestawu modelarskiego jest podstawowym aspektem budowania modelu, a rodzaj używanej farby zależy od osobistych preferencji. Więc jakiej farby używasz? Dla mnie kompilacje zestawów modeli to nie tylko składanie modelu. Używam głównie różnych aerografów, ale używam technik ręcznego szczotkowania, aby uzyskać drobne szczegóły i warunki atmosferyczne. Wcześniejsze Wybór rodzaju farby ma zalety i wady. Używam akrylowe , Lakier , na bazie oleju i sporadycznie Emalie farb. Wcześniejsze Najpopularniejszymi producentami farb, których używam, są: Wcześniejsze Vallejo - AK Interactive - MIG AMMO - MSP (Master Series Paint) - Games Workshop - Złoty - Warcolours - Modele misji - MRP (MrPaint) (farba lakiernicza) - Lifecolor - Abteilung (farba akrylowa i olejna) - Colour Standards provide a reference point industry can trust when measuring colour in military colouring and camouflage, national and company transport, paint manufacturers, and hobby enthusiasts, particularly those who build models of a certain period, armies, transport, or wars. Colour standards can be applied to numerous purposes, and range from ultraviolet, visible, to infrared, wavelength ranges of 300 - 800nm. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Besides colour, the next obvious feature of a colour standard is its surface property, these range from high gloss, mid-gloss to matte. One can often see if the light is reflected or diffused on a matte surface. ​ The reflected light is specular light, this leaves the surface at an equal and opposite angle to that of the incident light. ​ However, the colour of many materials is not specular light, so to measure the colour of a standard, one needs to ignore the specular light and concentrate on the diffuse light measurement to fathom the colour of the standard. ​ Even today, not all paint is equal, paint is produced by a multitude of manufacturers in numerous countries colour, quality and various paint colour standards are used. ​ Many manufacturers provide colour conversion charts and in most cases these are fine. But if like me, you may use many paint manufacturers finding the right paint colour conversion can be time-consuming. So, I started to design a database to store the colours I mostly use. When a new colour materialises, I add it to the database. ​ I also add the standard codes used by some areas to define paint colours into the database: This manufacturer paint conversion document is not yet complete, but it is constantly being updated:. ​ Click on the button to download the database: The standard codes used by some areas to define paint colours into the database: ​ RAL – European colour matching standard that defines paint colours, plastics, and coatings colours. RAL is administrated by the RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung, it is the abbreviation of ‘ R eichs- A usschuß für L ieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung’. Which means, ‘National Commission for Quality Assurance and Labelling’. ​ FS - F ederal S tandard is the colour description and communication system developed by the United States government in 1956. Its roots began in World War II when a problem was highlighted, that of providing exact colour specifications to military equipment subcontractors in different parts of the world became a matter of importance. But in 1991, Urban Fredriksson’s Colour Reference Charts were first published, which soon became the 'de facto standard * ’ for communicating colour data between historical camouflage colour researchers and modelling enthusiasts to determine the correct colours for model paints throughout the world. Known as 595a/595B, often abbreviated as ‘FED-STD-595B’ as they have no official names. ​ RLM - The State Ministry of Aviation ‘ R eichs L uftfahrt M inisterium’, defined the colours used by the Luftwaffe. They established a standard for colour shades, their production, and applications. There were directives, but other regulations, some of which had been established before the formation of the RLM itself in 1933, limited the number of colours available and fortified production from pigments obtainable within Germany. The paint was supplied by several companies and even though aircraft manufacturers could choose what commercial products to purchase, they had to adhere to specific uniform standards, characterised by the Farbtontafel and later by individual paint imperfections. Following is a list of RLM (Reichsluftfahrt Ministerium) paint designations used by the German Ministry of Aviation from 1933 through 1945. ANA - A rmy- N avy A eronautical Paint Colours were used by the US Federal Government from 1943 through to 1970 to standardize colours for aircraft manufactured by the American aircraft industry. But the ANA standard was abandoned in 1970 when the colour standards were transferred to the Federal Standard 595A. BS - B ritish S tandards for colours are the United Kingdom standard for colours, it is amalgamated under the Royal Charter ‘National Standards Body’. British Standards exist to guarantee the level of quality and consistency. BS 4800 is the standard range of colours for paints, created by the British Colour Council. and is used mainly in construction and interior decoration. A colour’s name may change, but its number is constant. In 1930 the ‘British Colour Council’ came into being, its core objective was organising a standard code for colours to maintain clarity. ​ *The term de facto standard is used in contrast with obligatory standards known as ‘de jure standards’, or to express a dominant voluntary standard when there are many standards accessible for the same use.

  • Landscape | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Landscape Photography Choosing lenses for landscape photography is the same as having numerous paintbrushes for a painter. Lenses allow photographers to transform how a location or subject is portrayed. Depending on the lens you can have, wide-angle views, tight close-ups, the capacity to isolate subjects, and the option to keep everything in a scene in or out of focus. Particularly regarding landscape photography, lenses are one of the few means with which you can really impart personal vision into an image. Apart from lens choice affecting how you portray a setting in nature, landscape photographers also should be concerned with the practicality of such lenses they choose to work with. Remember, less is more, carrying a large selection of lenses for landscape photography is counterproductive and apart from the weight factors having too many lenses can waste time and confuse people. I carry four: ​ Prime 25mm f1.7 lens Zoom 12-60mm f3.5-5.6 Prime 45mm f2.8 Zoom 45-200 f4.0-5.6 (rarely used, mainly to focus on a topic when I cannot get close enough) ​ Zoom lenses are great for difficult topics, like a tree in a lake when you cannot get close enough, but prime lenses make you move about the landscape to compose a subject. Prime lenses make you think more, move in, move out, or perhaps change an angle. Focal length When considering a lens for landscape photography, the most common advice often suggests buying a wide-angle lens. Wide-angle lenses are suitable for landscape photography because of their extensive field of view and far-seeing depth of field, both desirable attributes for landscape photography. Wide-angle lenses allow you to fit an entire mountain in the background, or lake in the foreground of the frame, they can also be used to show a great deal of land, sea, sky, or forest. The extra depth of field they provide helps to ensure consistent sharp focus from foreground to background, which can be beneficial when photographing large expanses. Considering wide-angle lenses are the alleged standard for landscape applications, this must not deter a photographer from considering a normal (50mm, similar to human depth-of-field) or telephoto focal length for photographing landscapes. Occasionally, using a telephoto lens can provide a little extra reach for visual compression, thereby, creating interest in an image. Zoom or prime? The debate between zoom and prime lenses will continue, and the discussion is particularly ironic in the sphere of landscape photography. The merit of zoom is the ability to zoom into a landscape or topic when restricted to a specific location. Conversely, zooms can increase complacency or laziness when photographing an area, whereas prime lenses will force a motivated photographer to hike more, move about the area, searching for a more rewarding viewpoint to photograph the landscape. ​ The image-quality differences between zoom and prime lenses are debatable, there are many high-quality zooms (at a cost), and there are high-quality prime lenses. Many wider focal length lenses are available in zoom format, like my zoom 12-60mm f3.5-5.6. It gives a little leeway in the composition, but it does not mean I will not walk about first to find the optimal spot for composition. It just helps to emphasize the tree in the lake, or a boulder with the evening glow of a sunset, rather than having it off in the distance. Of course, you will need a sturdy tripod, perhaps filters, or reflectors, so, their weight should be considered. ​ I use a Bergan that carries two camera bodies, four lenses, an external monitor, filters, spare batteries, a large steady tripod, and an extra-long quick-release rail plate with spirit levels. Deciding between zoom or prime lenses depends on your own needs, such as the distance or access to walk around a subject, how much weight, how many lenses to be carried, and personal preference for focal length. Links: Long exposure landscape photography

  • Types of Paint | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Types of Paint Akryl Wcześniejsze Farby akrylowe to najpopularniejsze rodzaje farb stosowanych na modelach i dioramach. Farba akrylowa jest łatwa w użyciu, ponieważ jest na bazie wody, co oznacza, że ​​można ją rozcieńczyć i zmyć wodą. Jednak najlepsze efekty daje użycie rozcieńczalnika akrylowego lub środka poprawiającego rozlewność aerografu. Farby akrylowe są podatne na zadrapania lub ślady, dlatego ważne jest, aby pokryć zestawy modelarskie lakierem, aby je chronić. W zależności od temperatury farba akrylowa wysycha w ciągu około 20 minut i utwardza ​​się w ciągu 24 godzin. W przypadku aerografu rozcieńczalniki na bazie alkoholu schną szybciej niż woda. Wcześniejsze Zalety Akryle na bazie wody mają tendencję do szybkiego wysychania, mają znikomy zapach i można je łatwo zmieszać z wodą lub rozcieńczalnikiem. Woda może być również używana do czyszczenia pędzli, a także usuwania warstwy nawierzchniowej w celu uzyskania efektu odpryskiwania. Ze względu na szybki czas schnięcia pozwala to na nałożenie znacznie większej liczby warstw farby podczas sesji modelowania, zwiększając w ten sposób budowanie bardziej złożonych obszarów, takich jak kokpity i figury. Wielu producentów produkuje obecnie szeroką gamę kolorów farb zaprojektowanych w celu odtworzenia rzeczywistych farb używanych w wielu krajach na przestrzeni historii. Ułatwia to produkcję szeregu modeli z dokładnymi schematami malowania i wykończeniami. Wcześniejsze Obecnie wielu producentów produkuje farby akrylowe, które nadają się do aerografów, np. Vallejo Model Air, MIG AMMO i AK Interactive. Farby akrylowe do malowania natryskowego są atrakcyjne dla wielu modelarzy, ponieważ są one stosunkowo bezpieczne w użyciu w pomieszczeniach i mają niewielki zapach. Wcześniejsze Zastrzeżenie: Podczas malowania aerografem wysoce wskazane jest używanie kabiny lakierniczej i maski na twarz / respiratora, aby chronić się przed generowaną chmurą natryskową. Wcześniejsze Niedogodności Dzięki szybszemu czasowi schnięcia akryle wymagają dodatkowej uwagi, aby uniknąć śladów pędzla na modelu. Można to osiągnąć nakładając wiele cienkich warstw lub stosując rozcieńczalniki wyrównujące, opóźniacze schnięcia lub polepszacze rozlewności, które mogą być również stosowane podczas natryskiwania akryli, farba akrylowa jest podatna na wysychanie w aerografie, jego końcówce lub w powietrzu podczas podróży do modelu. Temperatura otoczenia może również wpływać na aspekty suszenia. Ostateczne wykończenie jest przez wielu nazywane warstwą nawierzchniową lub lakierem. Pomoże to chronić lakier przed uszkodzeniem, ponieważ niektóre zestawy modeli są przeznaczone do gier wojennych na stole, które są poddawane dużej ilości manipulacji i wielokrotnego użytku. Wcześniejsze Niektóre marki farb akrylowych mogą być na bazie alkoholu, które dają słodki zapach. Może to powodować problemy podczas malowania pędzlem, ponieważ druga lub trzecia warstwa może kolidować z poprzednimi warstwami farby. Lakier Farby lakiernicze są najrzadziej stosowane ze względu na ich trudność i ryzyko stosowania. Farby lakiernicze są najtwardsze z trzech głównych rodzajów i schną najszybciej. Po wyschnięciu lakiery są niezwykle trudne do usunięcia, nie uszkadzając również tworzywa sztucznego. Z tych trzech są również najbardziej toksyczne, dlatego użytkownicy powinni znajdować się w dobrze wentylowanym miejscu, korzystając z przeciwwybuchowej kabiny lakierniczej ze specjalnym systemem wentylatorów i nosić respirator, okulary ochronne i rękawice. Farba do lakieru wymaga innego rodzaju rozcieńczalnika, odpowiednio nazywanego rozcieńczalnikiem do lakieru. Wcześniejsze Przykładami lakieru są MrColor i MRP (MrPaint). Szkliwo Wcześniejsze Farby emaliowe zwykle wysychają do twardego, błyszczącego wykończenia. Schnięcie może zająć około 2-3 godzin, ale czas utwardzania wynosi 24-48 godzin. Z tego powodu farba emaliowana twardniej wysycha, dzięki czemu jest bardziej odporna na zarysowania. Farby emaliowe są bardziej toksyczne niż farby akrylowe, ale nie są tak złe, jak farby lakiernicze. Służy do malowania ręcznego, gdzie wolniejsze wysychanie daje dodatkowy czas na wyrównanie się farby i ukrycie pociągnięć pędzla. Farby emaliowane są również zalecane do mycia paneli. Wcześniejsze Przykładami farb emaliowanych są Tamiya Enamel, AK Interactive i MIG AMMO.

  • Motherboard | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Motherboard A motherboard, system board, or colloquially, a mobo is a printed circuit board (PCB) found in computers and other expandable systems. ​ All motherboards have socket name that corresponds with the CPU that can be used, a few are: ​ AMD AM3+, AMD Ryzen™ and AMD FX Intel i7 series LGA 1156 socket H Intel i9 - LGA 2066 A Motherboard holds a few crucial components, such as, ​ Central Processing Unit or the CPU socket. Memory (RAM) slots. Contains important sub-systems . Many have embedded HD video facilities and 7:1 sound . Holds the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) installed. Provides connectors for peripherals, sockets, connections, and slots for: ​ Mouse Keyboard Speakers Network port USB ports Firewire port Hard drives Monitor Video cards Sound cards Network cards TV Tuner cards Motherboards provide several external connections, so users are able use the computer. It is PCB with expansion capability - the board is the ‘mother’ of most of the components attached. Different types of motherboard ports and their functions explained. ​ RJ-45 (Registered Jack 45) LAN port – The RJ-45 port allows connection to a Local Area Network (LAN) through a network hub using an RJ-45 cable. ​ Analog Audio P orts – allow connections like speakers, audio devices, and microphones. ​ USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2.0 or 3.0 Ports - are located on each motherboard and used for connecting mice, keyboards, printers/scanners, external hard drives, and tablets. ​ PS/2 Keyboard Port (purple) - used for a PS/2 keyboard. PS/2 mouse port (green) - used for a PS/2 mouse. ​ 1394a Port - used to connect firewire devices. FireWire has largely been displaced by USB. However, some professional audio hardware devices still use FireWire. ​ Optical S/PDIF - used for sound connections to home audio receivers or powered PC speakers with optical connections. ​ eSATA Port (External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) - It is an external interface for SATA technologies and competes with FireWire 400 and USB 2.0 to provide fast data transfer speeds for external storage devices. ​ HDMI Port (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) - is a digital interface for transmitting audio and video data in a single cable. It is supported by most HDTVs and related components, like DVD and Blu-Ray players, cable boxes, and video game systems. ​ DVI Port (Digital Visual Interface) - is used to send digital information from a computer to a digital display, such as a flat-panel LCD monitor. There are several types: ​ DisplayPort (DP) - is a digital display interface developed by a conglomerate of PC and chip manufacturers. The interface is primarily used to connect a video source to a display device, a monitor, it can also carry audio , USB , and other forms of data. Initially, the DisplayPort was designed to replace VGA, FPD-Link, Digital Visual Interface (DVI), and the interface is backward compatible with HDMI and DVI, using adapters. ​ VGA (Video Graphics Array) Port - VGA is an older video format and it allows an analog signal as opposed to a digital signal (ones and zeroes). Using higher frequencies, it is possible to reach a relatively high range of video resolutions. However, video quality directly responds to cable quality, and particularly with higher resolutions. Because of this, the quality of a VGA image can fluctuate with different makes of cable. ​ ​ Bus Sub-Systems The motherboard is a circuit board that connects the CPU to the memory and all the other hardware. Buses are circuits on the motherboard that connect the CPU to other components. There are many buses on the motherboard, bus systems move instructions and data around the system. Bus speed is measured in megahertz (MHz), The faster the bus, the quicker data is communicated, therefore, the motherboards speed is defined by the bus speed. ​ Bus systems are limited by their width in bits and are usually 8, 16, or 32-bits wide. This indicates how many bits can be sent by the bus at any one time, so, a 32-bit bus can send 32 bits or a 16-bit can send 16 bits at once. ​ The bus that connects the CPU to the memory is called the front-side bus (FSB) or system bus. CPU cores share Level 2 and Level 3 cache across the front-side bus and will usually connect to Level 2 cache through the back-side bus (BSB), the back-side bus is faster than the FSB. ​ There are two types of Bus sub-systems: ​ Internal – Buses that connect to internal components. ​ External – Buses that connect to external components. ​ The FSB contains two types of bus: ​ Address bus - this sends information about where data needs to go by sending an address to the memory. The address bus only sends data in one direction - from the CPU to RAM. ​ Data bus - this sends data to the memory or receives data from the memory. Data can flow both ways along the data bus. ​ ​ A Bus Sub-system transfers data between computer components. Separate to point-to-point connections, a bus system can logically connect several peripherals over the same set of connections. ​ Every Bus defines its set of connectors to physically plug devices, cards, or cables together. Because of this, there are various kinds of slots used to connect internal and external devices. North Bridge : The northbridge typically handles communications among the CPU, in some cases RAM, and PCI Express (or AGP) video cards, and the southbridge. Northbridge is directly connected to AGP video, thus providing higher transfer rates. SouthBridge : The southbridge is one of the two chips in the core logic chipset on a personal computer (PC) motherboard, the other being the northbridge. The southbridge typically implements the slower capabilities of the motherboard in a northbridge/southbridge chipset computer architecture. A southbridge chipset handles all the computer's I/O functions, such as USB, audio, serial, the system BIOS, the ISA bus, the interrupt controller, and the IDE channels. PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) There are many kinds of internal buses, but there are only a few popular ones. Various motherboards have different kinds and a number of slots, so it is vital to know what kind and number of slots a motherboard has before purchasing a sound or video card and match the type of slot to the motherboard. ​ PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) was common in PCs several years ago, now PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) has succeeded this type of bus. Usually, PCIe cards used were: ​ Network card or NIC card Sound card Modems Additional USB or Serial ports TV tuner card Additional SATA disk controllers Video card ​ PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) PCIe was designed to replace the general-purpose PCI expansion bus and the aging AGP graphics card interface. PCIe is not a bus, but a point-to-point connection of serial links called lanes. Because PCIe cards have faster bandwidths than PCI cards they make an ideal option for high-end video cards. ​ AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) is a high-speed point-to-point channel for attaching graphics cards to motherboards to help in the acceleration of 3D graphics. Connectors and Motherboard Pins Motherboards require connectors and Pins to work. Some power the motherboard, while others provide connections for: ​ SATA and IDE (old type connection) Hard drives SATA and IDE DVD/CD writers/players and IDE floppy drive (no longer used) USB, Firewire, Audio (analog and digital), connections for the front of the case, and DVD players Power for fans (including the CPU cooling fan) ATX 24 pin and ATX 6 12-volt motherboard power Front panel pins – computer cases have fitted leads for front USB, Firewire, audio, microphones and: Power Switch Speaker Reset Switch Power LED Chassis Intrusion Header Hard drive activity LED Message/Power Sleep LED ​ Front panel pins are a conundrum because case manufacturers have not decided on a standard. Some manufacturers use plain coloured wire, others dual coloured and they hardly ever identify with is positive or ground leads. If lucky they put an information sheet in the box, but the cheaper cases tend not to have these. ​ Luckily, some motherboard manufacturers are more accommodating. However, all manufacturers do indicate which lead is which by abbreviating on the connector, such as: ​ PWR – Power Switch SPK - Speaker RES - Reset Switch MSG - Message/Power/Sleep LED CH - Chassis Intrusion Header HD - Hard drive activity LED PWR LED ​ The pin assignments for the front panel header may differ by model. Refer to the motherboard user's manual for the actual pin assignments.

  • Programming languages | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Przetwarzanie danych What are Computer programming languages? Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. Many human languages exist, there is also an assortment of Computer programming languages that programmers use to communicate with a computer. The portion of the language that a computer can understand is called a Binary. Translating programming language into binary is known as Compiling. Every language, from Pascal, C++, or Python, has its own distinctive features, although there are numerous similarities between each programming language. Computer languages permit computers to process large and complex lines of information rapidly and efficiently. There are lots of programming languages used in the industry today. The links below are three main languages I have used: ​ Pascal Python C++ HTML

  • Wired Network | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Wired Network System Wired LANs (Local Area Networks) use Ethernet cables and network adapters. ​ There are two ways to set up a LAN system: ​ Broadband routers often provide DSL Internet connections and because they normally have additional facilities that allow direct connections for a shared printer or server. ​ Two computers can be directly wired to each other using an Ethernet crossover cable. ​ Using a central device or devices like a router, hubs, switches to connect more than two computers, servers, or printers. ​ Installation Ethernet cables must run from the router to each computer, printer, or server. It can be costly, laborious, and messy to run cables through a house, either under the floor or through walls, especially if you have an old Victorian house like mine. Even in newer houses chasing out the walls for cables or taking up the floorboards can take some time and be very messy. Luckily for some people, newer homes are often being pre-wired with CAT5 cables and RJ-45 sockets. These are wired sockets ready to accept your cables. If you are willing to put in the time and mess, it is a simple matter to fit CAT5 cables and RJ-45 sockets. We will explore what is needed and how to achieve this later. Once the hardware has been installed the configuration of the wired or wireless LANs are similar. Both rely on standard Internet Protocol (IP) and network operating system configuration options. These will be discussed later. ​ Cost In this age of financial constraints, the cost is the biggest denominator when deciding whether to opt for a wired or wireless network. If your computer, router, and printer are in proximity a wired system will cost little more than a wireless option. Most Internet providers supply a free router, Ethernet cable and with ADSL a filter with your package. Because of this you only need to buy an additional CAT5 cable to connect your printer. Of course, you can bypass this requirement by connecting your printer via a USB cable. If you only require a cable, CAT 5 Cable – prices vary depending on the length, but you can expect to pay between £2.50 and £6.00 for a 5-metre length. For installing a fitted wired system, the cost will be higher as you will need for each outlet: RJ45 RJ11 Cat5 Network Tool Kit Cable Tester Crimp Lan - £18.50 Cat 5 Single Socket RJ45 Ethernet Network Face Plate - £2.00 Wall box for faceplate - £2.00 RJ45 Connector Network Cable CAT5 Crimp Ends Plugs x 10 - £1.00. Ethernet CCA Cable Roll Network LAN Solid UTP CAT5e-CCA Grey 100m - £10.00 ​ These prices do not usually very much. I buy my stuff from Amazon and a local electrical outlet. ​ Reliability Ethernet cables, routers, and switches are exceptionally reliable, mostly due to the manufacturer’s commitment to improving Ethernet technology. Ethernet technology is an ever-expanding structure and companies are continuously funding research into improving the communications systems. A great deal of advancements has occurred during the past few years in the wireless arena, and this has been directed because of the need to strengthen security and improve wireless systems. With cabled systems, if you take time to fasten cables and making sure the wires in the RJ-45 boxes are wired correctly and secure will help eliminate problems with wired networks. I have had several Broadband routers fail, so reliability is still an on-going concern. If this occurs contact your Broadband provider and they should replace it for you, or you can buy a better model. Wired networks are more reliable, faster, and secure than their wireless counterparts. Performance ​ Despite the improvements of wireless routers over the past few years wired LANs still provide better performance and reliability over wireless systems. In the past, wired Ethernet connections have increased from 10 Mbps bandwidth to 100 Mbps and now 1000Mbps is now commonplace. Wired LANs using a hub might sustain performance slowdown if several computers, servers, or printers are heavily using the network at the same time. To help prevent this use Ethernet switches. Security ​ Routers come with Firewall software installed. Because of this when wired networks (LANs) are connected to the Internet the Firewall will provide an element of security. However, wired Ethernet hubs and switches do not have firewalls. ​ To help protect your computer from Intrusion, Trojans, and Viruses you will need antivirus and firewall software installed on your computer. I use ESET and Malwarebytes, there are free alternatives, but I find the free options significantly less secure and reliable. Nearly all the infected computers I worked on in the industry had free versions and the removal of the risk and preventing data loss always cost more than purchasing the paid anti-virus and malware software combined. ​ Although Broadband routers have firewalls installed, these are not reliable so do not rely on this alone to protect your computers. ​ KEEP the antivirus and malware software updated on a regular basis, as new threats come onto the web daily.

  • Bracketing Shots | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Bracketing Shots Bracketing One of the most useful techniques in photography is called bracketing, in other words, taking multiple photos of the same subject with different camera settings. Normally, bracketing is about changing your exposure: one photo at the meter’s recommendation, plus one under and one over. But exposure is not the only variable at play here. ​ Why Bracket Photos? Bracketing means you capture a sequence of photos while changing your camera settings from shot to shot. This means you end up with two or more photos of the same scene, with only a couple of differences in each shot. ​ Exposure bracketing is the most common kind of bracketing in photography, will usually ending up with one photo that is too dark, one that is too bright, and one with a correct exposure. But bracketing the focus distance will resulting in one photo that is front-focused, another that is back-focused, and one that is accurate. Some people consider bracketing takes up memory and wastes time. Especially if one knows what settings needed for an image, so, why bracket shots? There are two important reasons why bracketing is beneficial in photography. ​ 1. Playing it Safe Firstly, no matter how experienced a photographer the camera settings may be wrong. The three planned exposures, an overexposed, an underexposed, and one correct exposure will not always materialise that way. In their place, one may be extremely underexposed, another significantly underexposed photo, and another that is correct. ​ It is difficult to perfectly judge exposure in the field, especially in high-contrast light or other problematic conditions. Bracketing is a way to reduce potential problems by taking safeguards against common errors people generally make. Particularly for important potential one-time shots, it is a low-risk, high-reward procedure. ​ 2. Merging Photos Sometimes, bracketing is the only way to capture the photo required. For example, if shooting an ultra-high-contrast scene, one photo may not achieve the required results. A single image at normal exposure will lead to highlights that are too bright, and resulting in dark, noisy shadows. Occasionally this sort of problem can be rectified using a graduated ND (neutral density) filter, but the more practical option is to do things digitally. Take an underexposed photo so the highlights look good, plus an overexposed photo so the shadows are right. Then, combine the best parts of each photo into an HDR or luminosity blend. ​ Of course, one can go beyond a two-photo blend, by using three photos. For my part, I do not like blending exposures with more than 2/3 stop of exposure between them because the transition areas can look grainy. How to Do Exposure Bracketing The actual process of exposure bracketing is easy. In any semi-automatic mode, change your exposure compensation from shot to shot. In manual mode, change any of the three settings manually: aperture, shutter speed, or ISO. ​ Most decent cameras today allow the setup of automatic bracketing within the menu. When enabled, the camera will automatically change settings from shot to shot rather than making manual modifications. Some cameras only allow exposure bracketing, while others have bracketing options for JPEG settings, white balance, and other camera settings. Although bracketing is found in the menu, most modern cameras frequently assign a custom button to access this option quicker, while others have a specific bracketing button. ​ Which Exposure Setting Should You Bracket? Earlier, I stated that it is important to choose your bracketing setting carefully. Even though you can bracket shutter speed, aperture, and ISO just as easily as one another. ​ Aperture - since aperture affects depth of field it can be the worst setting to bracket. Creating an HDR from f/4 - f/5.6 - f/8 will result in an odd image, with unnatural transitions having blurry to sharp regions looking odd. A five-image bracket can be worse. ​ ISO – neither is adjusting the ISO setting, since each shot at different ISO settings will have distinctive levels of image quality. Anyway, an HDR shot at ISO 400, 800, and 1600 will not be improved over a single ISO 400 image. ​ Shutter Speed - the exposure setting is the setting one considers adjusting first. Especially if shooting from a tripod, and the subject is not moving. However, in scenes with quickly moving subjects and the potential for motion blur, the flexibility of bracketing shutter speed is limited. In action shots, ISO is often the better choice. Focus Bracketing ​ Focus bracketing is easier than exposure bracketing since there is only one setting under consideration: focus distance. Here, the goal comprises of focus stacking the images in post-processing later, like a group photo where everyone needs to be sharp but is unsure where to focus for the best result. Focus bracketing works best when overlapping the depth of field from shot to shot. But, if the steps are too wide, you can end up with an odd: sharp, blurry, sharp, blurry, sharp, etc. ​ So, when bracketing focus manually, take photos with smaller focus increments, and if possible review each photo afterward to check that the transitions are smooth. However, previews on a camera’s rear LCD look different than full-size images on a high-resolution monitor. ​ These days, many cameras today have a built-in focus stack feature to simplify this process. Focus on your nearest subject, tell the camera how many photos to take, and select a step size. I still recommend selecting lower increments than one might expect. It is also a good idea to test these features beforehand so you know how to use them correctly. ​ In theory, bracketing can refer to pretty much any variable in photography. You can bracket white balance, JPEG settings, long exposure noise reduction, flash settings, focal length, and much more. ​ If unsure what depth of field required, it is worth bracketing the aperture. Or, for a Milky Way photograph, consider using different ISO and shutter speed settings to obtain the best combination of noise performance and minimal star trails.

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