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  • Airbrush Troubleshooting | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Airbrush Troubleshooting Airbrushing comes with some inherent issues, these problems and troubleshooting them vary and can be experienced at any time no matter how experienced the user, here are a few. Bubbling in the gravity cup or suction bottle. ​ Can be caused by air pressure entering the paint reservoir. There are several reasons, most common are. ​ An air leak in the air cap or nozzle area. Solution – Tighten the loose Air Cap or Head. ​ Needle tip dry is dry and has blocked the nozzle. Solution - Clean or Replace the Tip Dry or Blocked Nozzle. ​ The air cap or head is loose. Solution – Replace worn or damaged nozzle seal. ​ The airbrush nozzle has a split. Solution – Replace the Split Nozzle. The spray pattern is off-centre . ​ Normally caused by a bent needle tip. The paint or fluid exits the airbrush and follows the bend on the tip of the needle. ​ Straighten the Needle Tip – This can be achieved with a flat sharpening stone or two pieces of 1” x 2” wood. I use a SharpenAir , which is a hand-held device designed specifically for repairing bent and damaged airbrush fluid needles. ​ Replace the Needle. Airbrush does not spray paint. ​ There are a few that can cause this, the most common are. A blocked nozzle often caused by poor cleaning. The solution for a Blocked Nozzle is to soak and clean the nozzle. ​ For a loose needle chucking nut when the needle is not moving with the trigger action. Solution - Check and tighten the needle chucking or locking the nut. ​ The paint consistency is too thick. Solution - Thin paint with appropriate thinner, reducer, water to a milky consistency. ​ Inappropriate low air pressure. Sometimes the paint can be slightly too thick, and the pressure is too low to atomize. Increase the air pressure accordingly. Airbrush sprays paint when the trigger is depressed for air. Caused because the needle is not sitting flush inside the nozzle or you have the wrong nozzle attached for the size of the needle. Otherwise, if the airbrush only sprays a blob of paint when the trigger is depressed then follow the Air On – Air Off method - first depress the trigger, then pull the trigger back for paint flow and then after spraying return the trigger forward before releasing the trigger/airflow. Shutting the paint flow off before the airflow will spray any residue paint off the tip of the needle. ​ Unscrew the needle locking nut. ​ Gradually push the needle forward until it rests inside the nozzle. ​ Tighten the needle-locking nut. Air pressure remains on when the trigger is released. Often due to many several reasons, like residue paint or solvents entering the air valve and affecting the air valve seal to swell or become sticky. A slack air valve closure or guide screw will not compress the air valve spring enough to fully return and shut off airflow. Disassemble internal air valve components and lubricate with airbrush lube and re-assemble. ​ Replace air valve seals if they appear eroded by solvents. ​ Tightening the air valve closure or guide screw will compress the air valve spring and shut off airflow. Poor spray or splattering of paint. There are several reasons, ranging from. Paint consistency. Solution - Reduce to a milky consistency. ​ Low air pressure. Increase air pressure until paint atomizes. ​ Damaged needle. Replace needle or repair using the SharpenAir device. ​ Tip dry or a partially blocked nozzle. Remove the needle and clean with a Q-Tip or cloth dampened using an airbrush cleaner (always wipe away, airbrush needles are very sharp). ​ Residue paint build-up in the needle cap, nozzle, or air cap. Clean and replace if indicated. Spray Spidering. Often caused if the paint has been over-thinned. Solution 1 - Add paint to the mix or reduce air pressure. ​ Solution 2 - Do not draw the trigger back so far or increase the distance from the surface. ​ Also, caused by spraying the paint too heavily on a non-porous surface. Solution - having the air pressure too high. Solution - Add paint to the mix or reduce air pressure.

  • Feeding & After Care | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Orchid Feeding & After Care Feeding Orchids are notoriously weak feeders and a solution of one-quarter to half strength orchid fertilizer is all most plants need. ​ A blend 30/20/20 is best for plants potted in a bark mix, as the bark will neutralise the nitrogen and a blend of 20/20/20 mix for most other orchids. ​ There are two types of feed, each formulated for a particular task: ​ Orchid Bloom – to maximize flowering. ​ Orchid growth – to encourage vigorous growth. Karmienie Storczyki są notorycznie słabym pokarmem, a większość roślin potrzebuje tylko jednej czwartej do połowy nawozu do storczyków. Wcześniejsze Mieszanka 30/20/20 jest najlepsza dla roślin doniczkowych w mieszance kory, ponieważ kora zneutralizuje azot, a mieszanka 20/20/20 dla większości innych storczyków. Wcześniejsze Istnieją dwa rodzaje paszy, każdy przeznaczony do określonego zadania: Orchid Bloom - maksymalizuje kwitnienie. Wzrost orchidei - aby zachęcić do energicznego wzrostu. Po kwitnieniu Martwe kwiaty i osłonki, ale uważaj, aby nie uszkodzić pseudobulwy, z której wyrósł kwiatostan. Phaleanopsis, kwiatostan wyrasta spomiędzy liści na korpusie rośliny, należy go przyciąć do centymetra w miejscu, w którym się pojawił.

  • Python | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Przetwarzanie danych Python is an advanced programming language that is object-oriented, interpreted, and built on flexible and robust semantics. Why learn it? Python is easy to learn and lets programmers quickly integrate systems as scripting or glue language. It is also suited for Rapid Application Development, such as: Writing games for their inner logic, comprising Artificial Intelligence factors. NASA uses Python as a standard scripting language in its Integrated Planning System. Its Features are: Easy to learn and read. Associated web structures for developing internet-based applications. Has a free interpreter and standard library accessible in source or binary on major platforms. Who uses it: Python developers, software engineers, back end developers, Python programmers Used by employers in information technology, engineering, professional services, and design.

  • HDD Errors | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    HDD Error Management Hard Drive Error Management ​ A healthy primary becoming a RAW partition can be caused by several reasons, such as: ​ Virus infection Format failure Accidental OS shutdown Power outages ​ How to do RAW partition fix easily in Windows 7/8/10? There are a few ways you could choose from. ​ DISCLAIMER: The examples that I have illustrated are ones I employ to deal with hard drive problems. They might be dangerous to use for some systems. These procedures may also be ineffective. If you try them, you may cause damage or irreparable data loss. Because of this take great care. Therefore, I take no responsibility for anything you do based on my examples or the information that I have provided. ​ How to Fix: Internal or External HDDs that became RAW. A commonplace and bewildering problem with computers is the unexpected and mysterious disappearance of a hard drive (HHD) that has been working properly. It can be a horrendous experience to suddenly find that your data might be gone forevermore. I still get the stomach tightening when a message box reports that your HDD has given up the ghost. ​ It is easy to say, ‘ Don’t panic ’, but most inexperienced people will have that gut-wrenching moment when the hard drive is no longer usable. ​ If approached sensibly and carefully, the situation can usually be resolved, and the data saved. Below we will look at a few of the causes, fixes, and preventative measures for occurrences involving HDDs used with Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8, Yes, I know they are old systems, but I know of a major computer store that still uses XP because of the cost and management implications of upgrading to MS Windows 10. ​ Error Messages Usual error messages associated with the inability to access an HDD. When attempting to access the drive in Windows you may see a message asking you to format the drive - ‘You need to format the disk in drive before you can use it, Do you want to format it?’ ​ DO NOT FORMAT THE DRIVE Another error that you may see when trying to access the drive in Windows from a program or the command line is - ‘ This volume does not contain a recognised file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded, and that the volume is not corrupted. ’ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Attempting to run chkdsk with a RAW HDD to repair the problem will give the error – ‘chkdsk cannot be run on the drive’ The type of the file system is RAW. CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives.’ Before going on, you need to be aware of the risks involved. ​ If the problem with the drive is not a logical error but is a symptom of physical damage, the more you try to use or repair it, the worse the damage may become. ​ The drive should not be making strange clicking or beeping noises. If this occurs it indicates physical damage. ​ In these situations, I disconnect the drive from my windows machine and plug it into a purely Linux machine to repair or recover the data. Even so, this can make the situation worse. ​ If you wish to continue your own there are a couple of important rules to remember. If you do not have a dual boot system with Linux perhaps a friend does. ​ Do Not try to write anything to the raw DRIVE apart from trying to repair the Master Boot Record (MBR) and Boot Sector. Any other data transfer, deleting partitions, or attempting to format the drive can overwrite data on the drive. ​ If you have important data or photographs on the drive do not mess about it, take/send it to a professional for data retrieval. ​ Computer problems are erratic and not set in stone. So, try other ideas, search the web. Not every option will work so it is important to think laterally. ​ If the drive does not hold important data you can try to format it using the command line - I have had several successes, but also many failures. ​ If you do not need any of the data - use the 'Disk Clean' method below Open the Disk Management window and click on Disk Management in the left pane and make note of the disk in the middle pane of the disk that you want to clean or clean all (Fig: Be sure that you have the correct disk, check the number, mine is drive ‘T’ No. 4. You would not want to wipe clean the wrong disk. Press the Windows + C keys to open the search dialog, type command on the left side of your screen right-click the ‘ Command Prompt ’ tab and choose ‘ Run as Administrator ’ at the bottom of the page, and click the link. Once the Shell opens (Fig: 1) a line will display: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ Fig: 1 Type ‘ diskpart ’ (Fig: 2) and press ‘ Enter ’ Fig: 2 Beside DISKPART> type ‘ list disk ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ ​ You will see in (Fig: 3) that there are 6 disks listed 0 to 5, remember I am using disk 4. (Double, no triple check you have the correct disk before continuing) Fig: 3 Now the prompt (Fig: 4) displays ‘ Disk 4 is now the selected disk ’ ​ Beside DISKPART > type ‘ list disk ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ You will see in (Fig: 4) that I have 6 disks listed 0 to 5, remember I am using disk 4. (Double, no triple check you have the correct disk before continuing) ​ Beside DISKPART > type ‘clean’ and then press ‘ Enter ’ Fig: 4 Disk 4 will now be cleaned, once complete it will state ‘ DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk ’ (Fig: 5). Fig: 5 For a full clean, just type ‘ clean all ’ instead of ‘ clean ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ as before – a clean all will take many hours if you are using it on a large drive. ​ Go back to the Disk Management screen and format the drive, normally it will format fine using efat system, but I have had problems with some hard drives reverting back to RAW when trying to format them in NTSF .

  • About | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Fotograf, projektowanie stron internetowych i konstruktor modeli. Wcześniejsze Emerytowany z sektora zdrowotnego - pedagog położniczy i członek wydziału resuscytacji noworodków, dzieci i dorosłych, również wykładowca informatyki i projektowania stron internetowych. Po przejściu na emeryturę z sektora zdrowia pracowałem jako starszy inżynier ds. Naprawy / modernizacji komputerów w dużej firmie informatycznej. 7 stopni: Doktorat z informatyki, programowania i naprawy sprzętu BA Pielęgniarstwo i położnictwo BA (HONS) Edukacja i szkolenie FRPS BA Ogrodnictwo Inżynieria elektryczna Wykłady z informatyki, tworzenia zestawów modeli i modyfikacji. Techniki aerografu i pielęgnacja sprzętu. About Me Połączenie 123-456-7890 E-mail Podążać

  • Choose a tripod | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Choosing a Tripod 1. Weight A tripod’s weight should be considered from two perspectives. Will it be carried around? Used indoors? Or both? ​ I have: 2 x heavy tripods for indoor use. 4 x small tripods for tabletop, placing on low walls or a bonnet of a car. 1 x medium weight tripod for outdoor use - Remember that someone is going to need to carry it around. Mine attaches to my Bergan/rucksack which makes it easier to carry long distances. ​ 2. Stability Weight does not always equal stability. If possible, test the tripod with the camera on it along with the largest lens, light, flash, and microphone. Test it fully extended to see how stable it is. Will it be sturdy on a windy day? Will it take the knock of someone bumping it on the way past? Has it got hooks for weights? ​ 3. Leg Locks There is a lot of variation between manufacturers when it comes to the mechanisms used for locking legs into place. Often, it comes to personal preference, but secure locks are essential. My main tripods are Manfrotto, they offer quick-release locks that are stable, and I have found reliable. ​ 4. Leg Sections The number of sections used to alter the height on tripods can be a factor. If they have two sections, they will be longer when they are collapsed. Two is good because there is less playing around with extending and locking the legs, while three sections provide a more compact tripod when folded. ​ 5. Height How long is a piece of string? Depending on the type of photography, the height requirements of a tripod will vary. What is the maximum height needed? But also, how it operates at its minimum, and how big it is when it is all folded. In all honesty, having a tripod one can look into the camera’s eyepiece without having to bend is a bonus, there is nothing worse than a full day of leaning over to check the framing shots. ​ 6. Tripod Heads Tripod heads can either be bought with a tripod as a complete set or separately. One key aspect to consider about a tripod is how the camera attaches to it. There are numerous options available, and it is worth planning and considering the options, as the tripod head not only keeps your camera on the tripod but will determine how much flexibility you have once it is attached. ​ My preference is the quick release Manfrotto tripod heads, they are well built and extremely sturdy. Each of my cameras and GoPros have a Manfrotto tripod head fitted, so I can easily swap cameras or tripods. ​ The two main types of tripod heads are: ​ Ball and socket – are great for flexibility and moving your camera around, but I find them fiddley. ​ Pan and tilt – are great for locking into position and are usually more affordable. They are not as fluid to move around and take getting used to, but I prefer them.

  • RAID 0-4 | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    RAID Striping 0 to 4 RAID 0 Striping ​ With RAID 0 the data is written across multiple drives to improve access performance. There is no data redundancy. So, a 4Meg file would be written across 4 drives in 1Meg pieces. Because of this, the failure of one drive will render the data inaccessible, but the advantage is considerably higher throughput. RAID 1 (mirroring without parity or striping) With RAID 1 data is written identically to two drives, thereby producing a ‘mirrored set’. The read request is examined by either of the two HDDs containing the requested data, whichever one involves the least seek time plus rotational latency. ​ Similarly, a written request updates the stripes of both drives. The write performance depends on the slower of the two writes, such as, the one that involves a larger seek time and rotational latency. ​ At least two drives are required to constitute such an array. While more constituent drives may be employed, but many applications deal with a maximum of only two. The array continues to operate if at least one drive is functioning. Key: A, B, C, D, E, and F are blocks of data RAID 2 has bit-level striping with dedicated Hamming-code parity, all disk spindle rotation is synchronized, and data is striped so that each sequential bit is on a different drive. Hamming-code parity is calculated across matching bits and stored on at least one parity drive. ​ RAID 3 has byte-level striping with dedicated parity, all disk spindle rotation is synchronized and data are striped so each sequential byte is on a different drive. Parity is calculated across matching bytes and stored on a dedicated parity drive. ​ RAID 4 is block-level striping with dedicated parity and is equivalent to RAID 5 but all parity data is stored on a single drive. In this configuration files can be dispersed between multiple drives. Each drive operates independently allowing I/O requests to be performed in parallel. ​ RAID 2 is more of a theoretical system and not used in practice. But although applications for RAID 3 exist it is not commonly used in practice.

  • Lunix OS | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Linux Linux is an open-source operating system (OS), it sits underneath the other software on a computer, receiving requests from programs and relaying those requests to the computer’s hardware. A Linux distribution (often abbreviated as distro) is an operating system (OS) made from a collection of software based on the Linux kernel and often a package management system. A few acts and feels like MS Windows or macOS, and are relatively easy to use, while others are more complex to use. I mostly use Linux Mint, Puppy, and Mageia, but only as a personal preference. If I had to choose one it is Linux Mint as I find it is a good all-round operating system. ​ I have two dual boot systems (where I can choose to boot into either Linux or Windows – or Linux or macOS) and one triple boot computer (where I can choose to boot into either one of two Linux distro or Windows). So, why so many computers and operating systems? I use the computers and operating systems for different things but do most of my programming on Linux. Other tasks can be done on any of the operating systems. The advantage of Linux is, when I log onto Linux Mint, I can also view and move across the data from MS Windows, modify it and then move it back without the need to boot into Windows. This is extremely useful if the Windows operating system crashes and I need an aspect of data fast, as I can use Linux to get what I need. Especially useful for data rescue . ​ Also, Linux is not as hungry on a computer's resources, so Linux operating system and its programs can be installed and run on older lower spec computers and hardware. ​ Linux comes in many distro types or versions, a few are: ​ Mint Puppy Linux Mandriva Mageia Kubuntu Arch Linux Ubuntu Fedora Ubuntu Red Hat OpenSUSE Mandrake CentOS MX Linux Gentoo Slackware Debian Free BSD Additional Links: ​ Install WINE How does Linux differ from other operating systems (OS)? But many Windows programs will run quite happily on a Linux operating system, but you will need Wine (not the fluid type). ​ Wine is a free Linux tool to run Windows compatible software on a Linux operating system, without the need of MS Windows. ​ Wine is an open-source Windows compatibility layer that can run Windows programs directly on a Linux desktop. Basically, this open-source project is endeavoring to re-implement enough of Windows from scratch that it can run all those Windows applications without needing Windows. Linux is like MS Windows and macOS (formerly OS X or iOS). Like other operating systems, Linux has a graphical interface, and the same kinds of software you are accustomed to. There is a vast repository of free software available, an exceedingly small list is: ​ Word processors and PDF Editors – LibreOffice , PDF Studio , or OpenOffice Code and Text Editors – VS Code, Lyx , Simplenote , Laverna or Texmaker Photo, Image, Video and Audio editors – GIMP, Inkscape , Audacity , LMMS , Kdenlive , and OpenShot Screen Recording – Kazam , OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) , Flameshot or Ksnip Communication, Messaging, and Productivity Tools – Slack or Franz Virtualization options – Oracle , VM VirtualBox Authenticators - Authy Media Converters – Handbrake and SoundConverter Hardware and Software management systems – Stacer and Htop Backup Tools – Timeshift or Bacula Media Players – Audacious or VLC Media Server Software – Kodi and Plex Gamers – Steam and Discord Internet browsers - Firefox , Midori, Opera , Gnome , Google Chrome, Brave , Vivaldi , Falkon , Konqueror , Pale Moon , Waterfox , Slimjet, and Dissenter Email clients – Hiri and Thunderbird In many cases, software creators make a Linux version of the same program compatible with other operating systems. So, if you can use a computer or other electronic device, you can use Linux. ​ Nevertheless, Linux also is different from other operating systems in many significant ways. Linux is open-source software. The code used to create Linux is free and available to the public to view, edit, and for users with the appropriate skills to contribute to it. ​ Linux is also unusual in that, although the core pieces of the Linux operating system are generally common, there are many distributions (types or versions) of Linux, that include distinctive software options. Meaning, that Linux is incredibly customisable, not because applications like word processors and web browsers, can be changed, but Linux users can also choose core components, like which system display graphic or user-interface components used.

  • Model Electronics | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Electronic Circuits for Model Kits Budowa układów elektronicznych dla modeli nie jest skomplikowanym procesem, ale wskazana jest podstawowa wiedza. Wcześniejsze Ten zestaw to Revell Imperial Start Destroyer, a nie seria Technik, ponieważ uważam, że istnieją ograniczenia w systemach elektronicznych producentów. Wcześniejsze Zastosowane komponenty to: Rezystory Kondensator Dioda Tranzystor Zegar - 555

  • Contact | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    KONTAKT Porozmawiajmy Wcześniejsze Tel: 44-07714014598 Zapraszam do kontaktu, jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania Sukces! Wiadomość otrzymana. Wysłać

  • Computer | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    What is a computer? Computers are not really that mysterious. There’s no shadowy gremlin cycling his way around a treadmill to make it run. Although sometimes one feels there is a gremlin at work pulling the operating system or data apart. ​ Computers have evolved immensely since I started building them, moving from measly Kilobytes of RAM to Gigabytes. Floppy Drives made way for DVD Drives and now DVD Drives are virtually obsolete, Hard drives have also changed, from mechanical, hybrids, then Solid State and have increased in size, speed, and reliability. ​ I will discuss individual components, operating systems, networking, and driver/software programming later. What is a computer? ​ Well, it is several devices put together to make an electronic device that can manipulate and store data. They come in various formats, but the main are: ​ Desktop Laptop Tablets and Smart Phones Servers ​ Using the correct software, computers have the capability to process, store and retrieve data. Whether it be, a document, mathematical problem, spreadsheet, presentation, image, or video. They can be used to browse the Internet, send emails, video conferencing, play games, write computer language, and used to access online shops. A computer is made up of several parts: ​ Motherboard or Mainboard – The motherboard is the device that ties the computer’s components together and allows each component to communicate with each other using software and device drivers. Without the motherboard, none of the attached devices, such as the CPU, GPU, or HDD could interact. Central Processing Unit (CPU) – A central processing unit (CPU), also known as a processor, is located on the motherboard. Memory (RAM) – RAM is short for ‘Random Access Memory’ and while it may sound enigmatic, RAM is one of the most important elements of computing. It is the super-fast and temporary data storage space that a computer needs to access right now or in the next few moments. Hard Drive (HDD) – come in numerous speeds and sizes. These days, they are rated in Gigabytes or Terabytes and increasingly are now Solid State Drives as opposed to the older mechanical drives. Power Supply Unit (PSU) – A PSU converts mains alternating current AC into a low-voltage regulated direct current power supply that power the internal components of a computer. Modern personal computers universally use switched-mode power supplies. Some power supplies have a manual switch for selecting input voltage, while others automatically adapt to the mains voltage. Modern desktop personal computer PSUs conform to the ATX specification and often come with removable leads. Video Graphics Card (GPU) – A video graphics card (also known as display card, graphics adapter, or display adapter) is an expansion card that generates a feed of output images to a display device (monitor). Frequently, these are advertised as discrete or dedicated graphics, emphasizing the distinction between these and integrated graphics. At the core of both is the graphics processing unit (GPU), which is the main part that does the actual computations. Computer Case - Most people skimp on the case because they do not see it as an important commodity. My last case, lasted five years and is now a Linux server. It was a great case but lacked 200mm fan mountings and not large enough for the new generation graphics cards and did not facilitate water cooling. My advice is when purchasing a computer case buy a well-known dedicated gaming case that is suitable for expansion and water cooling options. ​

Copyright 2021 - Graham Jappé PhD, BA (HONS), FRPS

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